• Address:2001 Longxiang Boulevard, Longgang District, Shenzhen
  • Tel: (86) 755 8427 3000
  • Postal Code : 518172
  • International Undergraduate Admissions (non-Chinese citizens): (86) 755 8427 3284
  • E-mail: intladmissions@cuhk.edu.cn
  • Local Undergraduate Admissions (Chinese citizens) : (86) 755 8427 3500
  • E-mail: admissions@cuhk.edu.cn
  • Graduate Admissions: (86) 755 8427 3900
  • E-mail: gs@cuhk.edu.cn


School of Management and Economics
Telephone: 0755-23518500
Email: smeug@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Science and Engineering
Telephone: 0755-84273833
Email: sse@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Humanities and Social Science
Telephone: 0755-84273199
Email: shssug@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Data Science
Telephone: 0755-23517000
Email: sds@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Medicine (Clinical Medicine )
Telephone: 0755-23516100
Email: medicine@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Medicine ( Biomedical Medicine )
Telephone: 0755-23519000
Email: lhs@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Music
Telephone: 0755-23516222
Email: mus@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Public Policy
Telephone: 0755-23517999
Email: spp@cuhk.edu.cn

School of Artificial Intelligence
Telephone: 0755-23519369
Email: sai@cuhk.edu.cn

Graduate School
Telephone: 0755-84273900
Email: gs@cuhk.edu.cn


Shaw College
Telephone: 0755-84273098
Email: shaw@cuhk.edu.cn

Diligentia College
Telephone: 0755-84273912
Email: diligentia@cuhk.edu.cn

Muse College
Telephone: 0755-84273960
Email: muse@cuhk.edu.cn

Harmonia College
Telephone: 0755-23515400
Email: harmonia@cuhk.edu.cn

Ling College
Telephone: 0755-23515825
Email: ling@cuhk.edu.cn

Minerva College
Telephone: 0755-23516380
Email: minerva@cuhk.edu.cn

The Seventh College
Telephone: 0755-23517380
Email: 7thcollege@cuhk.edu.cn

Office Contacts

Academic Links Office
Telephone: 0755-84273519
Email: oal@cuhk.edu.cn

Administrative Services Office
Telephone: 0755-84273010
Email: aso@cuhk.edu.cn

Alumni Affairs Office
Telephone: 0755-84273683
Email: alumni@cuhk.edu.cn

Buildings and Facilities Management Office
Telephone: 0755-23516358
Email: bfmo@cuhk.edu.cn

Campus Development Office
Telephone: 0755-23515473
Email: cdo@cuhk.edu.cn

Career Planning and Development Office
Telephone: 0755-23515888
Email: careerservice@cuhk.edu.cn

Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research
Telephone: 0755-84273940
Email: clear@cuhk.edu.cn

Communications and Public Relations Office
Telephone: 0755-84273524
Email: cpr@cuhk.edu.cn

CUHK Campuses Collaboration Office
Telephone: 0755-84273273
Email: ccco@cuhk.edu.cn

Equipment and Asset Management Office
Telephone: 0755-23516955
Email: eamo@cuhk.edu.cn

Financial Office
Telephone: 0755-84273701
Email: financeoffice@cuhk.edu.cn

Human Resources Office
Email: hr@cuhk.edu.cn

Information Technology Services Office
Telephone: 0755-84273333
Email: isupport@cuhk.edu.cn

International Undergraduate Admissions
Telephone: 0755-84273284
Email: intladmissions@cuhk.edu.cn

International Scholar and Student Services Office
Telephone: 0755-23516304
Email: isss@cuhk.edu.cn

Telephone: 0755-23515151
Email: library@cuhk.edu.cn

Office of Institutional Advancement / Foundation Office
Telephone: 0755-84273799
Email: foundation@cuhk.edu.cn

Office of Student Affairs
Telephone: 0755-84273671
Email: osa@cuhk.edu.cn

President Office
Telephone: 0755-84273555
Email: presidentoffice@cuhk.edu.cn

Registry Office
Telephone: 0755-84273626
Email: registry@cuhk.edu.cn

Research Administration Office
Telephone: 0755-84273262
Email: rao@cuhk.edu.cn

Security Office
Telephone: 0755-84273200
Email: securityoffice@cuhk.edu.cn

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office
Telephone: 0755-23516333
Email: ieo@cuhk.edu.cn

The Center for Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship
Telephone: 0755-23518770
Email: cide@cuhk.edu.cn

The University Development Office
Telephone: 0755-84273765
Email: udo@cuhk.edu.cn

University Arts Centre
Telephone: 0755-84273943
Email: uac@cuhk.edu.cn